A Course
In Miracles

Authorized Online Edition
Workbook For Students



We will review these ideas today:

1. 1(63) The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness.

2My forgiveness is the means by which the light of the world finds expression through me. 3My forgiveness is the means by which I become aware of the light of the world in me. 4My for­giveness is the means by which the world is healed, together with myself. 5Let me, then, forgive the world, that it may be healed along with me.

2. 1Suggestions for specific forms for applying this idea are:

2Let peace extend from my mind to yours, [name].
3I share the light of the world with you, [name].
4Through my forgiveness I can see this as it is.

3. 1(64) Let me not forget my function.

2I would not forget my function, because I would remember my Self. 3I cannot fulfill my function if I forget it. 4And unless I fulfill my function, I will not experience the joy that God intends for me.

4. 1Suitable specific forms of this idea include:

2Let me not use this to hide my function from me.
3I would use this as an opportunity to fulfill my function.
4This may threaten my ego, but cannot change my function in any way.